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All Flights to these destinations are supported by Southwestern Airlines.
The Orlando, Florida Package

Best Times: December- April


Unravel at the luxurious Hard Rock Hotel with VIP passes to Universal Studios, and explore the city in a rented 2016 Dodge Challenger. 



Single Package $1000 per week




The London, United Kingdom Package

Best Times: March- October 


Take a trip across the pond to historic London, England. Visit the historic Big Ben clock tower or enjoy the London view from the largest ferris wheel in Europe The Eye. Also relax at the luxurious St. Giles Hotel of London.


Singles Package $2250 per week 





The San Francisco, California Package


Best Times: September- January 

Take a trip to scenic San Francisco, California. Embrace the beauty of the Golden Gate bridge in a rented 2016 Chrysler 200, and rest your head at the lovely Nikko Hotel.


Singles Package $1200 per week



Best Times: April- September


Voyage à Paris! Visit the historic Arc de Triomphe in downtown Paris. Take in the lovely view from on top the Effiel Tower, and relax at the historic Hotel Minerve.


Singles Package $1800 per week


The Paris, France Package
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